
Autumn and Happiness
Autumn blues, who feels happy, energetic, and joyful in autumn? I think this is becoming a problem for me, something I need to solve. I’m unhappy, unmotivated, but why? Maybe it’s the weather, the season. I shouldn’t be this weak; I don’t think I am, which is why I need to find a solution.


You need to conquer what lies beyond work to truly conquer what lies within it.


I once felt that I had gone from working intensely to feeling incapable of working at all. However, I’ve realized that when you find something you truly love and enjoy, you can do it tirelessly, even 24/7. The key is to be patient until you find that passion. Once you do, you’ll never want to stop.


It should be mandatory to require a license for people without proper education before having children. I mean, it’s like ‘let me give birth and release them into the wild,’ and then we have to deal with the consequences.


I will either find a way or make one.


Spirited Away
(Movie Name: Spirited Away) I’ve known Spirited Away for quite some time, and I really enjoy Hayao Miyazaki’s films. He and Studio Ghibli have created movies that I can watch over and over again, and Spirited Away is one of my favorites. What I especially love about Spirited Away is the character No-Face, the impact of love, the enchanting environment, and the uniqueness of nearly every character. I don’t see repetition; I see the hard work and passion that went into making this film. The movie begins with the characters entering a tunnel that leads to a ghost town, which later fills with souls as our adventure starts. Throughout the journey, we encounter numerous challenges, but we always find solutions. Along the way, we’ve showed that we are not greed, we’ve contented with what we’ve been given, and we’ve consistently acted with benevolence. Through these experiences, we’ve discovered and seen so much more. The film is a visual feast in itself, a peaceful world has been created, it supports it with beautiful music and I enjoyed it very much as it progresses fluently, I recommend it.


Shaving is always a dilemma for me. I believe that the beard is make-up for a man, but it is difficult to deal with it and it is necessary to care for it regularly, on the other hand, beardlessness is very comfortable, my skin breathes, but I look better with a beard.


It’s been a little over a year since I quit smoking. As a result of the decision and determination I made, I now find the smell of cigarettes quite unpleasant and prefer not to be in such environments. I don’t crave cigarettes at all, and drinks like coffee don’t trigger any desire. As someone who used to smoke immediately upon waking up and even before breakfast, my stomach feels much better now. I’m happy that I made this decision, but I regret the approximately 11 years I spent smoking. However, I want to share with you a quote that I love: “The best time to plant a tree was 20 years ago. The second best time is now.” I planted this tree about a year ago, and I hope to enjoy its benefits in the coming years.



I have been thinking about this for some time, people are trying to develop products that looks so sci-fi/futuristic but the problem is their hardware ai capabilities etc. are not alone well or enough but they are showing like that. Like in the humane ai pin they showed it like revolutionary ai device but in the and a phone can do or I saw ai friend which is ai necklace but problem is you need bluetooth connection to your phone which is a phone can handle most of the things because we are carrying it to everywhere or there is rabbit ai companion device it is also not making my life easier comparing with mobile phone, so I think we are not there yet.


Today, when asked about the first Turkish state, I paused. Several possibilities came to mind, but I couldn’t definitively say which one it was. I often question how well someone can understand their future if they don’t know their past, and this was one of those moments for me. I started my search and discovered that the first Turkish state was the Great Hun Empire / Asian Hun Empire. Its capital was Ötüken, its first known ruler was Teoman, and its most significant ruler was Mete. During that period, it was a confederation of nomadic tribes flourishing on the steppes. They were strong and warrior-like, but they had a relatively weak culture at that time. However, they possessed highly advanced martial skills, particularly in archery and horseback riding.


I believe that maintaining an orderly work environment is crucial for productivity. Therefore, I have been focusing a lot on organizing my personal space. As you can see in the pictures, there has been significant improvement from setup 1 to setup 4. I am very satisfied with my latest arrangement. The current setup offers the widest area I’ve had so far, and the vertical monitor significantly enhances my workflow. For now, I plan to continue using two monitors, but I intend to switch to three when the time is right. Although I am still using a laptop, I consider it a limitation. The most important aspect of my next setup will be preparing a robust desktop Pc.


(Movie Name: Mars Express) Overall, it was a jam-packed movie. It tried to depict a world where humans and robots coexist, offering various ideas about what such a place could be like. Aside from that, the movie moved quite fast, trying to fit a lot of details into a short time. I generally enjoyed it and would recommend it.


If a country’s land is rich, brimming with wealth, serving as a bridge between Asia and Europe, and its people are hardworking, determined, and intelligent, yet it remains in such a dire state, the greatest blame lies with its leaders, their incompetence and the people who can’t change this incompetent. If the people have no say in governance and both the ruling party and the opposition are equally ineffective, even the most beautiful utopias are destined to become dystopias.


Do we truly love life itself, or is it the places, animals, people, memories, food, literature, and music that we cherish? I believe it’s the emotions and feelings we associate with these experiences that define our love for life. It’s not my university I miss, but the people I met, the time I spent there, and the emotions I felt. Ultimately, it seems that emotions are the essence of life itself.


The most important thing is time. Today, I realized this again and decided to return to my routine. I have goals, dreams, and limited time to achieve them, so why waste this most precious resource?


Aren’t we all alone? We are born alone and we die alone. We eat alone, we travel alone, we cry alone and we find happiness alone. Loneliness can be both a need and a necessity. Loneliness is usually reserved for God and we seek ways to overcome it. Sometimes someone like us comes along and fills the void; sometimes we find ourselves looking for a friend to ease the loneliness. Your loneliness may be accompanied by a friend, family or childhood friend, sometimes they leave you alone. Sometimes you walk alone on the road to success, face difficulties alone and feel lonely even in the midst of a crowd. After all, true loneliness is not the absence of people, but the absence of those who understand us.


The thing about saying no, if you say it too much, people just stop asking.


.- — – — .-. .-. — .– / .. … / - …. . / -… .. –. / -.. .- -.– -.-.– / .. / .- – / -… .- -.-. -.- / — -. / - …. . / ..-. .. . .-.. -.. -.-.–


The soul and mind alone without any guidance, lead to the imperfection and restlessness of the person.


Turn up the music to turn down the voices in your head.



Man is born soft and flexible,
stiff and rigid when they die.
Plants are born soft and pliable,
they're brittle and dry when they die.
So whoever is hard and rigid
is the disciple of death.
Whoever is soft and meek
is the disciple of life.
The hard and rigid is broken.
The soft and flexible will prevail.


If there is a problem, you can do two things: you can either solve the problem at its root or you can manage it/control it. The first is relatively more difficult but leads to more lasting results. The second one may take you a short or long time, but it will eventually break out. Therefore, in my opinion, the time spent for the first one will be a more correct/better way.


The unknown frightens and excites us at the same time. If we knew with certainty that something we desire or fear would happen at a certain time or date, would we feel the same nervousness or happiness that we feel today? I have always been an impatient person, and although I still believe I am to some extent, I think I have made significant progress in this regard. Whether it is the impatience I feel when waiting for a phone call, when solving a problem, when looking forward to socialising again, or when pursuing a goal or a dream, there are times when I am extremely nervous. This stress exacerbates the problems caused by my nervousness and I make great efforts to overcome it. Maybe it’s not for nothing that they say, “The patient dervish has reached his goal.”


Moravec's Paradox
I often wonder why robots have not yet arrived. They are currently limited to industrial or warehouse work. Today, I came across Moravec’s Paradox, which explains that what is easy for robots is hard for humans, and what is easy for humans is hard for robots. This paradox suggests that reasoning does not require much computation, but perception skills require a lot of computational resources. The principle was articulated in the 1980s. In 1988, Moravec stated that while it is relatively simple to program computers to perform at an adult level on intelligence tests or games like checkers, it is much more challenging, if not impossible, to give them the perceptual and mobility skills of a one-year-old.


I need to find a solution for my back and lower back pain.


If a machine can perform a task with the same level of proficiency as a human, it can be considered to have achieved ‘human equivalence’. Therefore, the greater the level of human equivalence a machine can attain, the more intelligent it is.


Only a small proportion of the work that people do is truly routine. Most jobs require problem-solving skills. When faced with new situations or problems, we draw on our past experience and knowledge to find solutions by making analogies. We adapt our approaches as the environment and circumstances change. Social interaction is also crucial in our search for solutions. As a species, we are highly creative and value the input of others. It is important to communicate effectively and consider the opinions of those around us.


Learning is a journey, not just an end goal. By designing and enjoying the process, you can ultimately achieve what you want because anything is achievable with enough time and the right system.


Sometimes I recall memories in great detail, perhaps triggered by music, food, or smell. However, at other times, I struggle to remember even simple things like what I ate for breakfast. Recently, I remembered my great-grandmother and the wonderful times spent at her house during family gatherings and holidays. As my dear elders have passed away, I realized how precious those memories truly were. It is a great burden to be aware that those times are past, and sometimes it is hard to let go of the past. However, Victor Frankl’s case study helped me to offload this burden. Let me share it with you too. An elderly doctor fell into depression two years after his wife’s passing. Instead of analyzing the situation, Frankl posed a thought-provoking question: What if the doctor had died first? The man realized that his wife would have endured immense suffering from such a loss. Frankl revealed that by surviving, he spared his wife from agony. His grief gave his suffering profound meaning and purpose. Therefore, the price I am paying is grief.


Everybody wants to eat but not everbody wants to hunt.


In life, one chooses not what to do but what not to do


When one door closes, another opens; but we often look so long and so regretfully upon the closed door that we do not see the one which has opened for us. - Alexander Graham Bell


The aim is not to live forever but to create something that will live forever.


Opportunities come to prepared minds or as I recently discovered lady luck favours those who try (Law of Serendipity), so there is no need to fear what will happen next, fear comes from the unknown, I just need to be ready and work harder each day. Opportunities have always existed and will always exist, and as the access to resources becomes even more possible on an individual level, opportunities will increase even more. The one important thing will be adaptation, I will be left behind if I refuse to adapt new. Struggle will be always there, what I need is not a peaceful existence, but the challenge I am trying to overcome with the skills I have.


Pain is inevitable, but suffering is optional. Therefore, after a certain point, I accepted the pain and realised that the result-oriented progress made me unhappy and created a feeling of being left behind, so I decided to focus on the process rather than the result and to love the process.


Thought zero
